As of this writing, there was a mass shooting in America less than 24 hours ago. That sentence could be 1) literally true 2) literally true no matter when you read this or 3) a set up to a truly dark and tasteless bit. So 1, 2, or 3? Well, 1 and 2, yes, and 3…depends? We guess? This got grim quick, doesn't bode well.
One thing we love at Cracked is movies. A second thing we love is movies with guns. And a third thing we love is movies getting things wrong about guns. In fact, “reality is a bummer” is kind of a genre here. Especially when reality is racist, and the reality of gun control is racist, which is a bummer. And the reality of the NRA is a bummer for everyone! Everyone hates the NRA! Boy, we sure got away from movies. And didn't do a bit. Welp. At least we didn't say “gun nut.” Oops.
Oh look, here's an article we found about soldiers and respecting the troops.