Game Of Thrones
Is it just us, or did you also make up words to sing along to the Game of Thrones theme song week after week? Don't be shy, this is a safe space. Unlike just about everywhere in Westeros, there are no beheadings here at Cracked. Not to mention our formal requests for a wine bar and brothel installed in the office have been repeatedly denied. We even got rid of Ser Pounce. It's a safe space here.
Sure, maybe the Game of Thrones finale wasn't what we wanted. We were primed for disappointment anyway. Sure, they left out stuff from the A Song of Ice and Fire books. But George R.R. Martin's TV show was a success. We can't stay mad at any show doing a crossover with Sesame Street, and we still dream about living in the Riverrun castle. Hey, don't make fun of us! This is a safe space! Where do you want to go, Dorne? With all its sunshine and wine? Whatever, dude. Just don't act like you're not going to watch House of the Dragon.