Debunking myths and misconceptions is kind of our bread-and-butter here at Cracked. It's not that we think we're smarter than everyone else, or somehow “better” because we “do the research” and “don't publish lies” and “aren't lazily trawling for clicks like some other sites,” none of that. Our other bread and butter is coming up with silly fan theories…and then disproving fan theories, because others are inferior to our genius! [insert maniacal laugh]
No, but seriously: sometimes debunking can make things more interesting, like the clash of the paranormal and scientific. See? Not everything is serious. Or sometimes debunking means correcting conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are fun, but you do have to make sure the truth is out before huge swaths of people lose their grip on reality. That'd be bad. Better to be fact-based. That way, when issues like protests, abortion, or guns come up at Thanksgiving, you know you're the one who's right about everything.