Why the Food Industry Is Way More Evil Than You Think

Did you know it's easier to quit heroin than it is to quit being obese? Whether you try Weight Watchers, Atkins, or whatever fad diet is popular this week, they all have the same efficacy five years down the line. We love blaming fat people for their weight problems, but the truth is that one of the largest industries in this country has spent decades figuring out how to turn wood (yes, wood) and chemicals into perfectly addictive foods you just can't give up.
On today's podcast, Cracked editors Jack O'Brien and David Wong talk about how our nation's diet got this bad (hint: the USDA spends more money pushing cheese than healthy habits), and how the same corporations who hacked our waistlines into obesity are working to export the same bad habits across the developing world. Throw on your headphones and click play above, go here to subscribe on iTunes or download it here.