24 Huge Historical Events That Were Secret Keggers

Even though drugs and alcohol have been a social lubricant since before we could write anything down, we like to think of history as this boring, stuffy museum exhibit where kings and queens drank iced tea, ate flavorless biscuits and had sex like our parents did (they've never had sex!).
24 Huge Historical Events That Were Secret Keggers

Even though drugs and alcohol have been a social lubricant since before we could write anything down, we like to think of history as this boring, stuffy museum exhibit where kings and queens drank iced tea, ate flavorless biscuits and had sex like our parents did (they've never had sex!). But hold onto your molly water, legal marijuana and fidget spinners, kids: history is as shitfaced wasted as any frat party or music festival, you just have to dig a little deep to find it. Also, it's hard for high school history teachers to talk about how great Ulysses S. Grant was and talk about how drunk he was the whole civil war. So they just don't mention that last part. American hero!

In this week's episode, Jack O'Brien is joined by Cracked's Carmen Angelica, Alex Schmidt and Michael Swaim, as well as comedian Blake Wexler, for a deep dive into some of history's most secretly inebriated moments. They'll talk about wars that were almost started and wars that were ended thanks to booze, some surprisingly great accomplishments powered by LSD (please don't try them at home) and the American president who was so drunk all the time, it sort of puts the whole Trump presidency into horrifying perspective.


Check out Blake Wexler's New Podcast 'Ya Booze Ya News'

Article: Cracked: 6 Historic Events You Didn't Realize Everyone Was Drunk For

Article: Cracked: The 5 Most Important Things Done While Blackout Drunk

Article: Cracked: The 7 Most Unexpectedly Awesome Parties in History

Article: Cracked: The 5 Greatest Things Ever Accomplished While High

Article: Cracked: The 5 Most Inspiring Things Ever Accomplished While Drunk

Article: Cracked 5 Epic Bouts of Drunkenness That Made The History Books

Article: Cracked: 7 Great Works of Literature Written While Wasted

Article: The Guardian: Drunk in Charge

Article: The AV Club: 45 Years Ago Today Dock Ellis Pitched a No-Hitter While High on LSD

Video: Bill Clinton Laughs At Drunk Boris Yeltsin

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