Cracked Movie Club: Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg month continues on Cracked Movie Club! Dinosaurs. Jeff Goldblum. A delightful old man in a linen suit. These are all key elements to the 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park, the biggest movie of all time (at the time). A movie so successful it changed movies. But Jurassic Park wasn't the sure-thing success you might expect, because in the early 1990s, computer effects in movies were at a very rudimentary stage (think "cutscene from a Playstation 1 game"). Steven Spielberg and Co. knew that a dinosaur movie could be huge, but they had no idea how to actually create convincing dinosaurs. And they only had two years and about a quarter of the budget of the latest Transformers movie to figure it out.
On this episode of Cracked Movie Club, hosts Tom Reimann and Abe Epperson are joined by Cracked writer David Christopher Bell as they discuss the technical wizardry and near-supernatural ingenuity that went into making Jurassic Park. From the insanely layered sound design of one of the industry's most famous sound effects creators, to the gigantic robotic dinosaur that encountered a problem eerily reminiscent of the difficulties Spielberg experienced with a certain mechanical shark, to the near-miss casting of Jim Carrey, we cover every aspect of Jurassic Park worth dazzling your friends with at your next party.
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