Behind Every War News Story Is A 20-Something College Kid

If you've seen any news reports from Vice, The New York Times, or National Geographic about the fighting against ISIS, you might imagine the work is largely due to the brave actions of a few hard-bitten square-jawed war correspondents. Those guys are important. But they don't go anywhere, or get any stories, without the help of a handful of twenty-something kids trying to pay their way through college. On the season finale of Cracked Gets Personal, Brandon Johnson and Robert Evans talk about "fixers". These young men found themselves going to school an hour away from the center of a vicious civil war. And instead of dropping out, they took on the war as a part time gig. Their stories are bizarre, baffling, often hilarious and you won't hear them anywhere but Cracked Gets Personal.
A war-medic stabbing a dude in the forehead! Black Market Hormones! A modern-day sex slave! It's never too late to catch up on the first few episodes of Cracked Gets Personal.
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