Why Movies Teach Men Horrible Lessons About Sex

You know how when you watch and old movie and there's a Y2K joke or a WAZZZZUUUP and you think, "man, this hasn't aged well." There's now a whole category of those movies that are just classically heroic dudes being absolute dicks to women. There's even a whole supercut of all the times James Bond hits women. Just Sean Connery slapping women left and right like he's Moe and every Bond girl is Larry and Curly.
Now, hear us out on this, but there's a chance that images like this might have been hurting women instead of helping them. Crazy. Maybe normalizing violence against women or showing Harrison Ford literally whipping Kate Capshaw into kissing him have given men unrealistic ideas about how things like consent work.
This week Jack O'Brien brings on Carmen Angelica, Jason Pargin (aka David Wong) and Katy Stoll to talk about the modern-day minefield of consent, what movies have been getting wrong about it, why it's so easy for guys to get defensive about it and a female perspective on why it's so damn important.
Throw on your headphones and click "Play" above, go here to subscribe on iTunes, or download it here.
Article: Cracked: 7 Reasons So Many Guys Don't Understand Sexual Consent
Video: Cracked: How To Know If A Girl is DTF
Video: Han and Leia's First Kiss
Article: Cracked: 5 Things Women Want Most
Article: Cracked: Everything A Woman Should Know Before She's Groped
Article: Cracked: 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained To Hate Women