12 Bizarre Mike Pence Stories Nobody Ever Brings Up

Forty-eight people (and counting!) have been Vice President of the United States...and if you can name more than a few of them, you might love history as much as Alex Schmidt does. After all, VPs do a little-respected job that's "not worth a bucket of warm piss." And that's not us saying that. That's Vice President John Nance Garner (Veep #32) self-roasting with that. Still, look closer at that history, and you'll find nine out of forty-eight VPs became the P. Nine out of forty-eight! 18.75%! Doesn't that make every Vice President worth examination? Shouldn't we pay them as much attention as their boss gets? Especially when the current Vice President is a secret maniac, with a shady past, and a little too much Garfield enthusiasm?
On this episode of The Cracked Podcast, Alex Schmidt is joined by comedy writers Broti Gupta (Speechless, The New Yorker) and Andrew Ti (Yo Is This Racist) for a look at baffling true tales of VPOTUS Mike Pence. Discover all the weird strange goofy things sprinkled throughout his past as a hot-take blogger, tobacco truther, campaign fund misuser, football game gaslighter, and other lousy things nobody has the mental bandwith to call him out on. Also stick around for the Dollar Store Machiavelli crap Mike Pence almost pulled to make himself your Commander in Chief at the last minute.
Yo, Is This Racist? (Earwolf) (and stay tuned for their west coast tour dates!)
"6 Totally WTF Mike Pence Stories Nobody Ever Brings Up" by Isaac Cabe (Cracked)
"God's Plan For Mike Pence" by McKay Coppins (The Atlantic)
side-by-side of Claude Frollo (from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame) and Mike Pence
Mike Pence Said Smoking Doesn't Kill? (Snopes)
Garfield Dog Semen Comic Strip (Know Your Meme)
gallery of Mike Pence's signed Garfield memorabilia in his office (Twitter)
Garfield creator Jim Davis to help governor pass out Halloween candy (The Indianapolis Star)
Here are the cartoons Mike Pence drew while in law school (The Washington Post)
Report: Mike Pence's NFL Walkout Stunt Cost Taxpayers $325,000 (Sports Illustrated)
Mike Pence tweets same picture from Colts game that he tweeted in 2014 (The Indianapolis Star)
Exciting Tour News!
See our first-ever Cracked Podcast in LONDON at The London Podcast Festival! The show is one night only, and that night is Sunday 8th September at Kings Place. Get your ticket right here!