11 Super-Sketchy Products That Celebrities Actually Endorsed

If celebrities can shamelessly hawk this crap, we'll shamelessly hawk the Cracked De-Textbook.
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If we've learned anything in the current millennium, it's that anyone can become a celebrity. And once you are one, you can get and stay rich by endorsing products. Posing on Instaface or Snapgram (or whatever, we're bad at social media) with a fancy product in hand can bring in an absurd amount of cash. So famous folks are understandably eager to hawk goods -- so much so that they don't stop and check to find out whether the thing that they're selling is a big, fat lie.
So here are some decidedly dubious products that celebrities 100 percent endorsed on purpose.
Power Balance Bracelets

Cristiano Ronaldo

Alex Jones

Bethenny Frankel

Kim Kardashian

Skin-Lightening Cream

Gwyneth Paltrow


Nicki Minaj

Pierce Brosnan

LeBron James and Pitbull