Amazing Visualizations Of Invisible Forces

Look all around you: the world is amazing. Even more amazing than you might think. You just have to take on faith that there are invisible forces all around us, keeping everything from exploding or flying into the sun or something. Some people call it God, some call it Dharma, some call it Energy, some call it midiclorians, some call it truly outlandish stuff like “gravity” and “science.” But really, no one knows. It's a mystery as old as time. Those fancy scientists with their degrees like to pretend that they know everything. But no one truly does.
Until now. We here are Cracked, we the truest and most respected members of our field, have sent our team far and wide. Scouring the earth for just the checks scientific literature wildest stuff out there. We've collected actual, visual documentation of stuff that is literally invisible.
So feast your eyes on the following.

The Hoover Dam