21 Debunked Food Myths

You’re going to want to set down your fork for a minute.
21 Debunked Food Myths

There seem to be several reasons for our basic misunderstanding of nutrition and diet, not the least of which is that nutrition is a massively complicated and pretty recent discipline. It was only in the 1970s that it became a significant topic of investigation in most nations but has long remained ignored in medicine.

Food may be a contentious topic these days, with everyone holding an opinion on just what you may and may not consume. People may have different motivations for eating or abstaining from particular foods, and they will frequently fall prey to food misconceptions that have been passed down the generations, much like old wives' tales.

You'd think we'd figured out what to eat, since we all do it multiple times a day. However, it turns out that the vast majority of what we think we know about food is incorrect. As a result, we asked our readers to dish up a heaping helping of food myth debunking.

Get your hands dirty!

21 Debunked Food Myths
Coffee does NOT dehydrate you. The reason you might see an increase in urination is because it's mostly water. It actually helps hydrate you and you c
CHUN KING Originally started in China CHUN KINC CRACKED.GOM KING Serve Six for less than $100 CHUN Egg Rolls Shrimp CHUN KING Or somewhere in Asia SHU
Margarine is more healthy than butter, right? Actually, neither is healthier than the other. Weswitched to margarine hoping to avoid heart disease, bu
That red puddle under your steak isn't blood. CRAG Beef carcasses are drained of blood before they are butchered and processed. The red liquid on your
Think you've had the 'king of steaks', Kobe beef? It's unlikely. Before 2012, no beef from Japan was allowed to be imported into the USA by the USDA.
Ice cream doesn't cool you down, it warms you up! That's because the body heats up while it digests the ingredients in ice cream. CRACKED.COM
Brown sugar is not healthier than regular white sugar. VS The only difference between the two is the taste. Although the difference in taste is caused

Coffee rules

The best beverage for adding antioxidants to your diet is tea, right? Not really. Studies have shown that instant coffee can be comparable with tea or wine. Even drip and esppresso coffee contains antioxidants, as long as you drink it black.


Sugar is not the only thing that causes cavities. You may think that avoiding candy is enough to protect yourself against cavities. However,arbohydrat

Organic Food

MYTH: ORGANIC FOOD IS ALWAYS BETTER. Organic food has not been found to be significantly healthier than non-organic and eating the recommended serving
Most wasabi on the market contains no actual wasabi. It's most likely horseradish tinted green. That's because wasabi is so difficult to produce, and
Swedish meatballs are actually Furkis. The dish was introduced to Sweden by their monarch, King Charles XIL, who had developed a taste for it while tr


Have you tasted yam? Chances are, you probably haven't. Yams in America aren't actually yams. They're sweet potatoes. The confusion dates back to th
Consumption of food with high salt content does not actually make you thirsty, but instead makes you retain water more effectively. A study conducted
To curE a pollen allergy do you have to use local honey? NOPE! Research has shown that given the variations in pollen that bees gather, locally produc
21 Debunked Food Myths
21 Debunked Food Myths

Baby Carrots

Baby- carrots are carrots that were harvested before they were Full grown, right? NOPE! They're what happens to carrots not pretty enough to sell in stores: peeled and whittled into shape by machines.
Drinking milk during a cold won't increase your mucus. There is no evidence whatsoever that consuming milk during a cold will increase mucus productio


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