12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)

Warning: It’s impossible to stop watching these.
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)

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We're not gonna lie -- if we hadn't been comedy writers, we all would have been scientists. Not the disease-curing kind, of course. We'd be the kind that get to blow things up. Just over and over again, in slow motion. Ka-boom.

Here's why.

12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)


12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)

Water Jets

12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
12 Mesmerizing GIFs Of Things Being Destroyed (For Science)
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