12 Actors Who Went All-In Preparing For Movie Roles

Why bother to act, when you can master a completely unnecessary skill instead?
12 Actors Who Went All-In Preparing For Movie Roles

Actors have had a huge cultural impact by performing particular roles and have had illustrious careers.

Whenever it comes to famous movies, roles, and, more importantly, the performers who provided the role with a genuine face, everybody has their favorites. We believe that among the dozens of varied interpretations of multiple personalities from Hollywood blockbusters, there have been at least a handful that should be left and not ever replicated.

We understand that acting is a skill. It's just that performers can go a little overboard at times. It's not simply method acting, but it is a unique type of insanity in and of itself. No, these performers thought that to play an iconic character, they needed to master some sophisticated skill that they could have simply faked on screen. We researched notable actors and actresses, chose their most memorable roles, and afterward evaluated them. Take a look at how these actors prepare for such parts in films. With acting, for example.

For Game of Thrones, Charles Dance learned how to skin a deer. Before filming a scene where Tywin skins a deer, the showrunners asked Dance, Are you

Adam Driver

For Paterson, in which he plays a bus driver, Adam Driver passed a bus driving course. EQURED An actor has no control during filming, he says, and bei
For his role in The Notebook, Ryan Gosling learned how to build furniture. Built by Ryan Gosling The table in the dinner scene is his work. Before sho
For Gorillas in the Mist, Sigourney Weaver learned the rolling belches of ape-speak. The movie's close-up scenes couldn't work unless the gorillas a

Saoirse Ronan

Saoirse Ronan, who had never played the piano, mastered a ludicrously difficult Beethoven piano sonata for Byzantium. She pulled it off in 12 weeks, w
Robert Downey Jr. learned to play tennis left-handed for Chaplin. I didn't have to, but it was an opportunity to really go for broke and nail the cha
For Dark River, Ruth Wilson learned to shear sheep, gut rabbits, and castrate lambs. She spent three weeks on a rundown farm, with sheep S**t everywh
For Raging Bull, Robert De Niro became a good enough boxer to win pro matches. He fought about 1.000 rounds in a training program that lasted almost o
Andrew Garfield underwent WWll-era Army medic training for Hacksaw Ridge. An Army vet and personal trainer ensured he went through the kind of trainin
For The Last of the Mohicans, Daniel Lewis learned just about every skill his character knew. He learned how to build a canoe, track and skin animals,
Jordana Brewster had to learn to drive for The Fast and the Furious. She grew up in NYC and never had to learn to drive - - she'd always taken taxis,
For Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie learned to hold her breath underwater for five minutes. The reason she got up to five minutes is that she was upping
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