21 Disturbing Facts That Will Keep You Awake At Night

Have some insomnia.
21 Disturbing Facts That Will Keep You Awake At Night

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Everyone knows a good scary story will keep you up at night. But as it turns out, you don't have to look harder than the cold, hard facts to experience pillow-gripping insomnia.

For example ...

21 Disturbing Facts That Will Keep You Awake At Night
German tourists complained about a foul smell in their motel room in Atlantic City. THE STENCH TURNED OUT TO BE THE DECOMPOSING BODY OF AN ELDERLY MAN
Since 1948, about 90 commercial airliners have disappeared... # 11E I IMI without leaving any evidence to what happened to them. CRACKED COM
In Toraja, Indonesia, the deceased can wait several months or even years for buriall arrangements to be made and to allow distant relatives to pay the
CRACKEDC COM DD BEE BUMBLE LLC FOODS, In 2012, a Bumble Bee Foods employee was cooked in an industrial oven with 12, 000 pounds of canned tuna. Fortun
A couple in Toronto received photographs of themselves from a hacker, shot by their own webcam the previous night. Mahmoud Abdo 3 hours ago Sent from
CRACKED In July of 2017 scientists discovered a new strain of gonorrhea which is resistant to known antibiotic treatments.
In 2011, an NYC elevator spontaneously malfunctioned and murdered a woman. The elevator shot up the moment Suzanne Hart set one foot inside, dragging
During the height of the Cold War, when nuclear weapons were constantly crossing the globe on submarines and aircraft, accidents did occur and warhead
A FAMILY MOVED INTO A HOUSE INFESTED WITH VENOMOUS SPIDERS. Between 4, 500 and 6,000 brown recluse spiders dropped from the ceilings, and crawled out
Facebook experimented with user's emotions without telling anyone. For a week in 2012, Facebook teamed up with scientists to successfully alter user's

Amusement Parks

A GIRL WAS SCALPED ON AN AMUSEMENT PARK RIDE IN NEBRASKA. Ct Her hair got caught in the machinery, and it was pulled out along with the skin.
A Michigan TEEIE found part of a CRAUIN finger in his Arby's sandwich. According to the restaurant, an employee had cut her finger on a slicer and did
A couple bought the house of a missing woman and found human remains in the attic. DNA tests are ongoing, but its possible the remains are of Mary Cer
If you're having trouble sleeping, it COulD just be stress, or it might be SPORADEC FATAL ENSOMNEA It's an incurable condition where you suddenly can'
Isn't it adorable how excited your dog gets whenever he's chewing on a squeaky toy? That's because it reminds him of an animal screaming.
CRACKEDcO COM 66 63 50 60 A woman in New Jersey found out that her daughter's ex had been hiding under her bed for five Days, using an electrical outl
AWAKE isn't just a movie. In 2008, Donna Penner underwent routine CRAUN surgery -and woke up just as it began, able to feel every slice of the scalp
It's very possible that everything in your bathroom is getting a coating of whatever was flushed down the toilet. This invisible Toilet Plume is spe
If you died, your cat or dog would probably start eating you within 24 hours. Researchers have found that what begins as trying to lick the owner awak
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