11 Movies That Made Changes (For Ridiculous Reasons)

Spoiler alert: if the source material paints China in an unfavorable light, it'll likely be changed in the movie.
11 Movies That Made Changes (For Ridiculous Reasons)

“The only constant in life is change.” -Every Person You Ever Met 

It's trite but true. Nothing stays the same. Not even in Hollywood remakes, usually. But Hollywood is a weird, twisty place, and the road for any project is long, often bumpy and very winding. Your labor of love is going to be a tough labor.

Scripts go through multiple drafts, stars attach and unattach themselves or go to rehab, directors come and go - it's a very fluid process, which is good because it gives plenty of grist for the internet mill to report on. And what’s more important that keeping the internet fed?

So ultimately, and this may come as a surprise to many of you, but the movie we watch rarely matches what it started out as, conceptually and otherwise. 

Sometimes that's due to strokes of creativity from the filmmakers, but more often than not it's because of some truly ridiculous nonsense. How ridiculous? This ridiculous…

Guardians of the Galaxy almost had aliens named after clitorises. No, not in English. Director James Gunn wanted to use aliens called Sneepers in the first Guardians film, but they were rejected by Disney because sneeper means clitoris in Icelandic. Disney has since decided Gunn can use the name in
The Pentagon didn't like an American admiral succumbing to Xenia Onatopp's crushing thighs. Goldeneye wouldn't be allowed to use U.S. helicopters unless the nationality of the guy Onatopp literally fucks to death with her beastly legs changed. They thought he seemed too dumb. So Chuck Farrel was changed from an
11 Movies That Made Changes (For Ridiculous Reasons)

Princess Diaries

The granddaughter of Princess Diaries' director demanded he add a damn castle. The film was originally supposed to end with Mia flying off to Genovia. But the granddaughter demanded audiences be allowed tO see the castle Mia eventually inhabits. So the director bought some stock castle footage and threw a
Iron Man 3 gave the villain a dick so more kids would buy his action figure. An early draft of Iron Man 3 had a female villain. The writers received a memo stating it had to change because the toy wouldn't sell as well if it were female. You know,
Spectre producers saved money by making Mexico look bueno. Hacked emails revealed that Mexico offered $20 million in tax breaks if Spectre would show off modeRN Mexico City buildings and ensure Estrella would be a well-known Mexican actress. Also, the villain couldn't be Mexican. When asked about it, producers twirled
They removed swearing from The Right Stuff so more teenagers would join the military. According to a letter from the military, The obscene language used seems to guarantee an 'R' rating. If distributed as an 'R', it cuts down on the teenage audience, which is a prime one to the
Concussion producers really didn't want the NFL mad at them. NFL P NFL PLAYER NFb HEALTH NFb HEALTH SAFETY CONFE CONFERENCE L PLAYER R NFL P LTH SAFET NFb HEALTH NFERENC CONFI Leaked emails from the Sony hack revealed Will Smith's movie removed scenes depicting unflattering moments for the NFL.

The Butler

The Butler had to change its name because of a 1916 silent film. After months of advertising their forthcoming film The Butler, The Weinstein Company was forced to change the title. After all, what if audiences thought it was a gritty reboot of Warner Brothers' 1916 silent comedy film? The
In Doctor Strange, the Ancient One was whitewashed so China wouldn't be offended. Marvel was afraid of getting cut off from the lucrative Chinese market if they kept The Ancient One's Tibetan ethnicity, so they rewrote the character as a Celtic woman.

The Shining

Stanley Kubrick had to change the room number in The Shining because the hotel was afraid nobody would want to stay in a murder room. The hotel where the movie was filmed asked that he change it from #217- which is in the book- to #237- which doesn't exist. Ironically,
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