17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing

The food industry apparently is loaded with the best cons on the planet.
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing

The food industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and you don't end up that way unless you know every trick in the book to keep people stuffing their pie holes with your gruel.

In our continuing effort to keep our readers from looking like complete dupes, keep your eyes peeled for things like ...

THAT TEMPTING WHIPPED CREAM IN THE AD IS PROBABLY SHAVING CREAM. Whipped cream quickly melts under hot lights, so a stand-in has to be used like non-dairy creamer or shaving cream. CRACKED
To sell fruits quickly, they are usually ripened artificially by exposing them to ethylene gas in cold storage rooms.
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing
That soda sure looks amazing. To create that beautiful frosty look, advertisers coat the glass with deodorant and use a mixture of Scotchguard and glycerin.


CRACKED co Some manufacturers use pulp extenders to bulk up their tomato sauces and make them look shiny. The instant starch mimics tomato pulp texture, taste and mouthfeel when added to sauce. This allows manufacturers to save money and cut back on tomato paste by 25% while retaining visual appeal.
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing
Fresh fruits are usually covered in wax after harvesting This is done to reduce water loss and improve the fruit's appearance since the natural coating is removed during deaning.
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing
CRACKEDCON Stores periodically spray water on their vegetables and fruits to make them look fresh.
Fast food is purposefully designed to overwhelm our taste buds, making a lot of it seem to taste the same. These meals leave no room for nuance and appeal to our sweet, salty, and bitter taste receptors all at once. This barrage of flavor triggers positive reactions in the brain
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing
CRACKED COM Prepared chicken used in advertisements is almost always RAW. Cooking chicken dries it out. So advertisers brush raw or under- cooked chicken with brown paste. The thicker the paste, the darker the color. Bon Appetit!
17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing


17 Sneaky Industry Tricks To Make Food More Appealing
CRACKED.COM Our brain associates quality with weight, and for that reason wine bottlers often use thicker-than-necessary glass and deeper punts to give even mediocre wines the illusion of quality.
CRACKED.COM These ice cubes are made of acrylic

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