Total Nobodies Who Turned Into Superheroes When It Mattered

Everyone has a little Batman hiding within.
Total Nobodies Who Turned Into Superheroes When It Mattered

There's a famous saying, "Not every superhero wears a cape." And while these days, that quote is usually reserved for mothers, hilarious dogs, and pizza delivery people, it's important to not lose sight of the fact that this can apply to anyone at any time.

Like these individuals, who turned into real Avengers at the drop of a hat.

People came together and saved a suicidal man. A man who was threatening to jump from a bridge in London was saved by a group of passersby. They took
Total Nobodies Who Turned Into Superheroes When It Mattered
With police in pursuit, a joyriding teenager in a stolen car raced through a Utoh city park several times, forcing people to jump out of the way. Brys
A UpS driver single-handedly saved a family from a house fire. Paul Pereira noticed flames at the front porch of the house and quickly urged its occup
Total Nobodies Who Turned Into Superheroes When It Mattered

Heroic Schoolgirls

Two Indian School girls helped police uncover oSS-border human traffickers. Shivani Gond, 17, and Tejasweeta Pradhan, 18, spent days communicating wit
Canadian subway worker J.P. Attard saved a suicidal man who climbed down onto the train tracks. Attard comforted the man by embracing him and telling
It's illegal for drive Saudi but women to in Arabia, that didn't stop university student Ashwag al-Shamri during an emergency. Heading home after scho
Adrian Helwig, a mail carrier, was doing his rounds when he found an old man who had fallen outside in the freezing cold. Helwig spent twenty minutes

Binghamton Heroics

In the middle of the wreckage of 10 vehicles, five people rushed toward a burning car to save a woman trapped behind the wheel. 0B/25/2016 16:24:35 Th
This Florida gun owner came to the rescue of a coP who was pinned and being assaulted by a suspect in the middle of the road. The gun owner shot and f
This is Richard Nares and his son Emilio. Richard lost Emilio to cancer in 2000. Richard started a program called Ride With Emilio to provide transp
A multiple gunshot survivor rescued six people from a burning building. Upon seeing that his home had caught fire while he was at work, Darian Johnson
Abd Alkader Habak set aside his job as a photographer and a journalist to help children rescue after a bombing in Syria. CRACKED COM
A 56 year-old woman saved a cop from an attacker. Baton Rouge LRN 90 WAFB Vickie Williams-Tillman got out of her car and jumped on the back of the att
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