20 Spectacularly-Dishonest Lying Liars

After seeing this, we're pretty sure all of history is a lie.
20 Spectacularly-Dishonest Lying Liars

They say history is written by the winners. But, after seeing how many famous and influential people are out and out frauds, we're pretty sure history is actually written by liars and you should never trust anyone ever again.

Shigeo Tokuda is a retired travel agent in Tokyo. He's also secretly a porn star. Described as a superstar of the elder porn genre, Tokuda has appea
Ever catch terrorism analyst Wayne Simmons on Fox News? LIVE Fo INEWSI WA NE SIMMONS c0u FORM R CIA OPERATIV AND HAS THE RIGS TO CHOOSE HE Then you've

Martin Luther King

Dn. Martin Luther King Jr. Was an incredible leader. But he plagiarized his doctoral thesis. Not only was his dissertation plagiarized, but many of hi
Kimberly Kitchen became a partner in a law firm. lennifer B. HAEL Thomas K. HOPER Charles A. BIER BACH roe She did it by pretending to be a lawyer. Ki
Father sergio Benitez runs an orphanage in Mexico. FT And for 23 years he was wrestler Fray Tormenta. He's the real-life Nacho Libre, and he used his
Audrey Hilley poisoned her husband and daughter. Then faked her death and posed as her own twin sister. Hilley decided she wanted to collect some insu

Malachi Love

Malachi Love opened his own medical practice New Birth New Life Medical Ce Dr. Malachi A. ole-Robinson Owner, Phy ND. PhD. HHP-C. AMP-C 1700 N Congres
Wendy Brown went out for high school cheerleader. She was 33 at the time. Apparently Brown wanted a do-over of her high school days, sO she pretended

T.S. Eliot

T.S. Eliot Was a critically acclaimed poet. THE WASTE LAND T. S. ELIOT GRTICAL His poem The Waste Land'' was largely stolen. The poem is a haunting s
H.G. Wells Was a famous author and historian. EDITI NEW ENLARGED THE Outline OF E History THE WHOL STORY Of MAN HGWELLS And he plagiarized his masterp
Vincent Richardson passed himself off as a Chicago copo CHICAGO POLICE He was 14 years old at the time. Despite the fact that Richardson was missing h

William Clark

William Clark took control of an emergency rescuen CLARK S ARM ...by pretending to be a Green Beret. Clark just showed up at the scene of a deadly bri
Lotus CEO Jeffrey Papows had a heroic combat history Or at least, that's what he told people. It turned out he'd lied about being a Marine Corps capta
Richard owen was one of the first paleontologists. He stole credit for another man's discoveries. Not only did Owen steal credit for the discovery of
Stephen Ambrose Was a biographer and historian. T'he borabadsen navston. nd noretummet unnep ware ibmced to down. alros hands andkneet side up toteir
Bi Leasure was a traffic coP in Los Angeles. MOREH IneStory alst of the dark side of Buman behaviot. -Flint Jowroal RADGE And secretly a criminal mas

Homeland Security

Dr. Laura Callahan worked for Homeland Security. DEYANIM MENT MLAN CRIT Despite the fact that she faked her credentials. Callahan held one of the most
Janet Cooke won a Pulitzer for Jimmy's World. JIMMY'S W ORLD Year-ol Heroin Addict Lir's for Fix a Orves e th AS 4 Jimmy never existed. When Cooke's

Hal Turner

Hal Turner is an ultra right-wing radio personality. M And he was also a government spy. Turner is an outspoken white supremacist and Holocaust denier
Alan Knight was facing prosecution for swindling. S So he faked a coma. For two years. Knight told the court he was a quadriplegic who suffered from c

AuntieMeme may or may not have a Diablo addiction that she may or may not talk about on Facebook

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