21 Performers' Garbage Side Projects

Even the greats whiff from time to time.
21 Performers' Garbage Side Projects

Some celebrities just seem to have that Midas touch. No matter what, they just seem succeed at whatever they do. But, of course, if you take a close look, those same celebrities have the stinky touch as well. As in, they made some super embarrassing shit they hope everyone will forget.

For example ...

It's bad enough that Robert De Niro acted in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. He also produced it! CRAGK The two-time Oscar winner and Hollywoo
Joe Pesci released a 1998 album as the persona of Vincent Gambini from the 1992 film My Cousin Vinny. Michael Gallucci reviewing for Allmusic describe
21 Performers' Garbage Side Projects
After a storied career, Elizabeth Taylor appeared as Wilma's mother in the 1994 live-action version of The Flintstones. CRACKED COM
Oscar winner Al Pacino probably had a lapse of judgement when he signed up for the dumpster fire: Jack & Jill O bet he had the same reaction his chara
In Johnny Cash's 1984 single Chicken in Black, the country icon COLUMBIa becomes a bank im Cotumbia Marcas neg robber after being IM 513 given a bra
Although Sean Connnery hasn't appeared in a live-action movie since 2003. he produced and voiced the title character - a skateboarding veterinarian -

John Travolta

In 1986, John Travolta lent his vocal talents to The Road to Freedom, an album of songs written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Sample lyric:
21 Performers' Garbage Side Projects
The highlight of Steven Seagal's 2005 album Songs From the Crystal Cave is arguably Strut, duet a with Jamaican dancehall legend STEVEN Lady Saw,
One of Marlon Brando's final acting roles was as Mrs. Sour, BRENDAN FRASER MAR LON BRANDO 1FS S0 a candy store owner in the animated film Big Bug Ma
In The Identical (2014), Ray Liotta plays a pastor and father of two sons separated at birth, one of which becomes a famous musician who looks and sin
Long after appearing in classics like The Godfather and Misery, James Caan turned up in Sicilian Vampire, a vanity project written, directed by and st
In 2004 Robert Downey Jr. recorded an album of original and cover songs titled The Futurist. Fulurist TE eei After receiving mixed reviews, he has wis

Christopher Walken

Decades into his career, Christopher Walken played the villain in The Country Bears, a movie about talking bears who play in a band, based on the Disn
50 Cent tried to create a super condom. He pulled out of the project in 2009 when he learned his ideal condom wasn't feasible. CRACKED COMT

Adrien Brody

In 2013, Academy Award winner Adrien Brody played a parody of Dirty Harry called Flirty Harry in the movie InAPPropriate Comedy. His character only
In 1979, the Queen of Soul attempted to become the Queen of Disco. R ARETHA FRANKLIN Aretha Franklin's La Diva was a monumental flop that has never
21 Performers' Garbage Side Projects
AFTER HIS OSCAR WIN, CUBA GOODING JR. STARRED IN BOAT TRIP. A movie about a straight man going on a gay cruise, and then pretending to be gay SO he co

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