25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time

Once you see these, you'll never unsee them.
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time

Look, we understand that movies make mistakes. They all can't be Pixar masterpieces. However, some gaffs are so bad that once you see them, you will never be able to unsee them.

And here they are. (We're not sorry.)

25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
HOBBIT THE THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES With such overuse of CGI, you'd think the filmmakers could at least spare some effort to make things look dec
That surveillance jammer that Inspector Finch uses in the movie is in fact just a simple reading light. FREE0OMI FOREVERI Surveillance jammer Reading
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25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time

Total Recall

TOTAL RECALL 1990 See that high-tech contraption on that soldier's wrist? It's a Casio calculator. 89795901 120
PUBLIC When Johnny ENEMIES Depp jumps over a desk in the first bank robbery scene, you can clearly see a stunt double with his CGI face. CRACKED COM
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
Cadillac Man makes use of many real- world car manufacturers, calling out several by name. So why does the dealership's wall have an assortment of obv
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
BRUCE WILLIS DIE HARD2 DIE HARDER The stunt man for this scene turned out to be a bit of a dummy.
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
CRACKED.COM. ET. SE 111 Rix bPA MCN DOUBTFIRE ngo 381-XO the BigFix JANTIS 711I WOE MAK Red Dragon (2002) is a prequel to The Silence ofthe Lambs (199
the twilightsa saga breaking dawn part 2 showed us that the babies in their universe are way scarier than their vampires. CRACKED COM
25 Movie Effects That Didn't Stand The Test Of Time
SAMUEL JACKSON deserves a better death (and a better CGI body, double) than the one dealt by a fake cartoon shark in DEEP BLUE SEA
STAR WARS EPISODE VI RETURN OF THE IEDI The actor's face can be clearly seen through the eye-holes of this shoddy Ewok mask. CRACKED.COM
Xander's rocket launcher was actually a repurposed camcorder, complete with the camcorder screen, eyepiece and control buttons!
STATE WZND FAIR THE OMAHA oF OZ How was Dorothy expecting to get back to Kansas on a balloon that was very obviously a drawing?! COM
In The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the scar on Frodo's jaw changes shape ...and even switches cheeks? New fan theory: Frodo = Wolverine
CRACKED.COM Steven Seagal stabs Tommy Lee Jones in his big, fake head. UNDERSIEGE UNDER

Will Smith

WINTER'S TALE Most of the $60 million budget must have been spent on Will Smith's cameo and not the special effects. CRACKED.COM
CHILD'S PLAY In Child's Play, the killer is a small doll. They do this through various techniques... The least impressive of which is to get an actor

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