25 Animals That Will Haunt Your Dreams

Monsters don't only exist in movies.
25 Animals That Will Haunt Your Dreams

Monsters don't only exist in film and television. No, there are monsters all over this planet that we previously thought was beautiful, but now know is teeming with tiny nightmares ready to ruin our days. And now we're excited to ruin yours!

(As always, thanks to AuntieMeme for the voodoo she works putting these together.)

THE WOLF FISH WILL UMP ONTO YOUR BOAT. They can weigh more than 80 pounds and have been known to jump onto land or into canoes, trying to catch prey.
THE 3-SPOT MOTH CATERPILLAR USES HEADS AS WEAPONS. When it molts, it keeps its old heads and wears them as mock-dingleberries to gross out predators.
THE CARPET SHARK SWALLOWS OTHER SHARKS WHOLE. It got its name because it lies around on the rocean floor looking) like a throw rug until it strikes. h
THE SHOCKING PINK DRAGON IS A MILLIPEDE. Scientists figure its bright pink color is there to warn predators about its toxicity. htolhesaatlenaloeoorao
THE AYEAYE HAS EXTRA-LONG FINGERS. They live in trees in Madagascar, and use those long digits to dig for grubs. htoanimalsnationalgeographiccom/anima
THE SQUID WORM IS PERFECTLY NAMED: It's a worm with a head that looks like a squid. Those tentacles are used for breathing and grabbing stuff. hto hew
THE MEGALARA GARUDA IS THE KING OF WASPS. Scientists call it that because it's over 2 inches long, venomous, and has jaws that can wrap around its own
THE WOLF TRAP ANGLERFISH HAS A BUILT-IN FISHING POLE. They're called wolf traps because their massive jaws open horizontally, not vertically. https:ll

The Sea Pig

THE SEA PIG JUST WANTS TO EAT DIRT. It's a variety of sea cucumber, and spends its time gulping up mud in the deeper parts of the ocean. CRACKED.COM r


THE WELS CATFISH CAN GROW TO 12 FEET LONG. They have voracious appetites, and have been known to gobble up birds out of the air. CRACKED COM http :/ww
THE BARRELEYE FISH HAS A TRANSPARENT SKULL. The green globs visible through its skull are actually eyeballs, gazing upward. CRACKED COM htp:/lwww.ourb
THE GOLIATH FROG IS THE SIZE OF A HOUSE CAT. These bad boys can jump 10 feet. They eat rodents, bats, and other frogs. CRACKEDCON ttp:llanimals p:l/an

The Saw Claw

THE DINOCHELUS AUSUBELI HAS ONE SAW-CLAW. Dinochelus literally (and aptly) means terrible claw.' They're blind, and use that elongated claw to catch
THE GIRAFFE WEEVIL CAN CRANE ITS NECK. They live in Madagascar, and that long neck helps the males to fight off rivals and build nests. CRACKED COMT 3
THE DARWIN'S BARK SPIDER SPINS 8O-FOOT WEBS.. IT spins its webs across rivers like a fishing net, and scientists speculate that a Darwin's bark spider
THE FISHING SPIDER DOESN'T NEED A WEB. It plucks its prey out of the water, often while balancing on the water's surface. Lately they've begun branchi
THE PARALYSIS TICK WILL IMMOBILIZE you. They're native to Australia, and the female dispenses a paralyzing toxin through her barbed hypostome. CRACKED

The Yeti Crab

THE YETI CRAB IS CRAWLING WITH BACTERIA. Scientists think the yeti crab cultivates and grows bacteria, which lives in its arm hair, to eat. http:/heww
THE ELECTRIC TORPEDO RAY WILL KNOCK yOU OFF YOUR FEET. Electric rays can dispense 220 volts of electricity at any given moment, which is enough to kno
THE ANOURA FISTULATA HAS AN INSANELY LONG TONGUE. It's a South American bat with a tongue that's half again as long as its whole body. That tongue str
THE GEODUCK IS A DELICACY. It's a clam whose body is too big for its shell. There are reports of geoducks living to be 140 years old and weighing 20 p
ZEBRAFISH LARVAE HAVE WOLVERINE POWERS. Scientists love zebrafish because they can regrow their fins, tails, hearts, and even brains. CRACKED COM htos


THE HONEYPOT ANT IS A LIVING PANTRY. They gorge themselves on flower nectars during the rainy season, then feed the other ants mouth-to-mouth the rest


THE LONOMIA CATERPILLAR HAS VENOMOUS SPINES. Contact with the caterpillar can lead to internal bleeding - and so can lack of contact. The lonomia can
25 Animals That Will Haunt Your Dreams

AuntieMeme may or may not have a Diablo addiction that she may or may not talk about on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/crackedauntiememe/?fref=ts]

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