24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

Live television is always a risky endeavor. And for good reason.
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

Live television is always a risky endeavor, and for good reason -- any number of things can go wrong and, because curses are real, most likely will.

So bladed nipples and dancing sharks aside, here are some moments that should make people reconsider filming their shows live.

24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

Geraldo Rivera

On April 21, 1986, Geraldo Rivera teased nearly 30 million viewers for two hours in his live primetime show The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults with t
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
LIVE Sloype Aaron Young calling Jaffa calling bowden216 calling ZIMMERMAN TRIAL DAY WITNESS TESTIMONY N neub 17 @Denver SANFORD RH2006 WETV EYEWITNESS
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

Animals on TV

24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
Fox5NY anchor Jim Ryan felt that Dick Oliver concluded his live report on a tenant - -landlord dispute too soon, and berated him for cutting back to t
NDOTI A.J. Clemente was fired after his first day as a news anchor for swearing on live TV. F*n s#!7! VAN 5 TIEU A.JCLEMENTE HD TODAY EXCLUSIVE >FIRST
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

The Oscar Streaker

24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled
24 Times Live TV Went Off The Rails As The Cameras Rolled

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