15 Celeb (Little-Known) Scandals

As host of the famous, long-running TV "Ellen DeGeneres Show," Ellen has apologized for the way she treated her workers. DeGeneres addressed the incident with fans during the series' season opener on Sept. 21. "I realized that things here occurred that would have never happened," she explained. "That is something I hold in high regard, so I want to express my heartfelt condolences to those affected. I recognize that I am in a place of privilege as well as power, and I am aware that this comes with a duty, and I accept accountability for what occurs during my presentation."
But Ellen just the tip of a rather large and cringe worthy celebrity ice berg.
If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Is a story really newsworthy if it doesn’t feature Kanye West going bonkers, Taylor Swift's relationships ending, or Beyoncé being amazing?
Well, as it does, as it turns out, maybe not. Here are a few more bizarre celebrity scandals that the media largely ignored.
Honestly, here are a few more scandals that blow up our reader's minds!
Bruno Mars


Chumlee from Pawn Stars

Stephen Rannazzisi


Frank Dillane