17 Real Facts Hidden By The People Who Want You To Be Scared

A lifetime of AOL emails from crazy aunts have clouded society's collective mind.
17 Real Facts Hidden By The People Who Want You To Be Scared

If you're anything like us, you probably have a lot of irrational fears about shit that were likely planted there from a lifetime of AOL emails sent from crazy aunts.

Well, we're here to provide you some free psychiatry and break those phobias. You're welcome!

There are 4O 000 knoun species of spiders in the world, and orly adout a dozen can actually cause serious harm to bhamans. Spiders are SO shy that it'
Use your cellphone at the gas station and you'll turn into a human fireball. Not only are there absolutely no reported cases of cellphones causing e
What? An abortion GRAGKED CONF ABORTION increases IS my risk A CAUSE OF BREAST CANC for breast cancer? WWW.AbortionBreasicancer.com Why does the Komen


Factoring in how many people live in alligator country, there are about 0.06 alligator attacks per year per 100,000 people. Even though they are abund
70 percent of Americans refuse to get a colonoscopy because they're afraid. CRA People perceive a colonoscopy as a painful and uncomfortable procedure
Lelical waenino alt VARNING! 66 infections WARNNGIWINPC Defender has found24 (malware) or tracking les on your Do you fear the internet is becoming rn
They could support a car. Don't worry!
Keep a gun in the house to protect your family from violent intruders? Inthe US, 430 peoPLE For comparison, 2,300 are killed during a home people are
Only 8 out of every MILLION skydive jumps result in a fatality. That's less than.001% GRACKEDCON OUDT


Although an earthquake is a terrifying experience, the odds of dying in a modern anti seismic building are less than being struck by lightning. From t
I'm not trying to poison you. The chef at your favorite Chinese restaurant is not cruelly tainting your General Tso's with dangerous substances. 40 ye
The deadliest animal attack is neither the shark nor bearo Animals with the deadliest attack are actually bees, wasps. and hornets, but you only have
CRACKED COM Cancer deaths in the U.S. have decreased by 23% since 1991.
Those refugees from war-torn countries could be terrorists. We shouldn't let them stay in our country! U.S. refugees arrested on domestic And this i
Severe turbulence might be scary, it can spill your coffee, you may even get hurt if not wearing your seatbelt, but actually it's more uncomfortable t
Afraid of In the US, there are only Snakes? 5 deaths per year, from snake bites. I just want a hug. CRACKEDCON
Perhaps because of their breed's origin and their intimidating physical appearance. Pitbulls have a notorious but undeserved reputation as vicious dog

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