15 Things In Everyday Life That Won't Be With Us Much Longer

Start hoarding now, folks.
15 Things In Everyday Life That Won't Be With Us Much Longer

Ever read one of those "Ready To Feel Old" galleries? Shut up, of course you have. This is the internet. The ones that have a picture of that baby from Nirvana's first album all grown up or let you know how long ago Crystal Pepsi gave us nightmares? Or one of our favorites around here, which is that sharks are older than trees—has to make the sharks feel like crumbling into dust, those poor beautiful yo-yos. 

The thing about these pairings is they're inherently ridiculous: time passes. If you graduate high school, eventually you're be out of high school for longer than you were in high school. If you get married, eventually you will be married for longer than you haven't been married. But that doesn't mean these lists aren't mind-blowing. 

Well, we're getting the jump on stuff like that. Start hoarding now, because soon you'll have to say goodbye to things like ...

The 3.5 mm headphone jack is living its last days Intel wants to replace it with USB-C and Apple with Lightning
The future will be hangover free oea J8 FUTURE PRESENT By extracting hangover-causing elements from alcoholic drinks, scientists are developing hangov
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15 Things In Everyday Life That Won't Be With Us Much Longer
ELEGTRICALPLUGS WLL BE REPLACED BY USB PORTS T X T USBs are small, convenient and universal. Electrical plugs are not, and because of that they'll be
By 2048, Fish on Fridays may no longer be a thing. The populations of nearly a third of commercial seafood species have dwindled to 10% of their for
Your keys will SOON be replaced CRACKED COM by SmArtphones. Unlocked The next generation will probably not have to deal with keys that much. There are
CAN I HAVE NO, SORRY PHONE YOUR NUMBERS ARE NO NUMBER? LONGER A THING. A staple of our culture for the last century, phone numbers are being phased ou
CRACKEDO Wereslowlyrunnings out ofantibiotics. Not because we can't produce them. but because we use themtoo much. Bydoing this, bacteria are becoming
Automobiles have had human drivers for a century, but self-driving cars are expected by 2020 to be advanced enough to let users safely talk on the pho
Charging phones using cords will become S86 a thing of the past, as we transition to wireless charging. Ds 1200 ynuer ( PROXT
CRAGKEDGOM Sorry, stick shift snobs, the manual P transmission will 9 become extinct soono The distribution of cars with manual transmissions has fall
15 Things In Everyday Life That Won't Be With Us Much Longer
In just a few decades chocolate will become a luxury food. In the next 40 years, global warming will make the climate in West Africa, the biggest prod

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