Mind-Blowing But True Things Science Just Found Out

If science had taught us cool stuff like this in school, we'd probably be Academy Award winners in Science. Or whatever award science people get.
Mind-Blowing But True Things Science Just Found Out

If school taught us anything about science it was that there were a lot of long, weird words we couldn't spell and that the teachers really liked tests. But if those educators had taught us what you're about to learn, we'd probably be Academy Award winners in Science. Or whatever award science people get.

Take for instance that ...

Long considered to be baby frogs of different species, Microhyla nepenthicola was discovered in 2010 to be in fact its own species: it's one of the ti

The Earth’s Core

The Earth's core is two and a half years younger than its crust. A 2016 study confirmed the theory Of Richard Peynman in 1960 based on Relativity, cla
Scientists have discovered a growing trend among sea lions to chase down and rape penguins.
Dung beetles always move in a straight line, even during a moonless night: They navigate their path via the Milky Way Galaxy: CRACKED.COM
CRACKED CON In addition to color and scent, flowers use tiny electric fields, unique to each species, to attractt pollinating insects. Bees detect the
This shark, first collected by scientists in 2010, has all-black skin that faintly glows, iridescent eyeballs, and teeth that are almost translucent.
CRACKED COM Cows with names produce more milk. Hello ITTY wmTE  Stacey Researchers in the UK say COWS with names make 3.4 percent more milk in a year
Thiomargarita namibiensis is a giant among bacteria. IT'S SO BIG YOU CAN SEE IT WITHOUT A MICROSCOPE. The shiny chains of bacteria resemble About .75
74% DARK ENERGY 22% DARK MATTER .6% INTERGALACTIC GAS 0.4% STARS. ETC. The whole universe as we know it, with all of its galaxies and billions of star
Trees go Tto sleep, Too A 2016 Finnish study used laser scanners to observe daily movement in Birch trees. They found that the entire tree droops down
Songbirds do the baby-talk!. ThEY Sing Shorfey ana more repetotive funes to teach tTheIY pupils. CRACKEDcO

Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

A 2004 study showed that chickens preferred humans who were considered beautiful.
SOME PEOPLE ARE MORE DELICIOUS TO MOSQUITOES About 85% of humans secrete a chemical signal by which mosquitoes can detect their blood type. Scientists
In 2012, a group of marine biologists in Australia discovered that dolphins are in fact the gangsters of the ocean. They have complex social hierarchi
A 2011 study revealed that men with husky voices have lower sperm counts than those with high-pitched voiceso It is believed to be an evolutionary tra
Drosara asficer is a carnivorous plant recently discovered in Brazil after a picture of One was posted on Facebook. It grows up to 5 feettall and SeS
THE SENSE OF SMELL CAN PREDICT DEATH According to researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center, Olfactory dysfunction which is the decrea
CRACKED.COM In 2016. NASA discovered an asteroid that has been orbiting our planet. Their calculations indicate that it has been orbiting the Earth fo
A study performed by the University of Sussex revealed that if you consider a person to be your enemy they will smell worse to you. Students participa
CRACKEDCON THERE'S A SPECIES OF CLONE LIZARDS A few reptilian Species are made up exclusively of females that reproduce asexually. In one of those, La
CRACKEDeC COM Eww... No. A 2012 study revealed that Gila monster saliva can help reduce cravings for chocolate and ordinary foods, which may aid the t
Experiments confirined that male flies rejected by femnales 4 consume timnes alcohol. mnore I should call her Dow CRACKED COM
CRACKED COM PERVS! ARE BATS Well, kind of... Researchers discovered that some bats eavesdrop on flies having SEX in order to hunt them.

Undead Genes

DUNDEAD GENES COME ALIVE AFTER DEATH Microbiologistse at the University of Washington discovered hundreds of genes in the tissues of recently deceased
Mind-Blowing But True Things Science Just Found Out
Herrings communicate through farts. Having observed herring releasing air bubbles from their anuses (usually in a rapid pattern of 7-65 pulses), scien
A species of turtle pees through its mouth Singaporean researchers So they set out to observed that Chinese soft- investigate and found shelled turtle


In 2015, researchers at Yale managed to make dino-chickensi. They altered the genes of chicken embryos to change how their beaks formed which resulted
CRACKED COM Bacon-flavored health food! Oregon State University researchers have bred and patented a new strain of dulse, which is a seaweed packed wi
Researchers in Japan found that a group of sea slugs called Chromodoris reticulata lose their penises after sex but then grow another one just a few h

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