24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games

The Duke Nukem series has always portrayed females in a positive light, right?
24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games

We get it. Sometimes you just really need to spice up your video games to keep those sweet, sweet greenbacks rolling in. But it would appear that "spicing up" to video game developers means to make the most uncomfortable sexual situations possible.

And now we're here to show you just that. We teamed up with image wizard AuntiMeme once more to bring you the most terribly uncomfortable video game sex sciences ever conceived.

In The Witcher, you can sleep with lots of women. And each time you do, you get a collector card. You can look at the cards whenever you want to remin
In Simgirls, you romance three girls. Xotomi has d secret litthe problem. Whenever she gets nemes she wil fart! You can sensitiwe spod Ly Pet Me geeos
24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy takes place in a frozen apocalypse. So naturally there's zombie humping. Carla and Lucas find themselves holed up in a dir

Dragon Age: Origins

In Dragon Age: Origins, you can totally hook up. Right in front of all the characters. No matter what race or class you play, you'll have the chance t
In Ride To Hell: Retribution, you beat up a guy for harassing a prostitute. Then you jump right in and have sex with her. There's no transition or dia
Hatoful Boyfriend is a game about dating. Hatoful f 04/08 Ryouta 'Living as a hunter gatherer sounds tough. I'd be happy to make you breakfast you kno
You've heard of the hot coffee cheat in GTA San Andreas. ILSHIFT Chonge position 600764083 RITURN Quit EXCITEMENT: But have you heard that it's ridi
In Shadows Of The Damned, you travel into hell to rescue your girlfriend. And use her half-naked body as a bridge. It's not technically your girlfrien
24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games
In the Paper Mario sequel, you can play as Princess Peach. what?/? That's indecent! No waul ...Oh. fine. I guess... If it's the only way. And there's
Miracle No-Ton is about a magic notebook. Rotal 18oe Back Log VRorat Auta Skip Meny 8864 ondomot ti BackLo URpcat Fluto Slip Men It lets you have sex

Heavy Rain

In Heavy Rain, you play as Ethan. KISS DON'T KISS And you use the controls to get him laid. Seriously. You press the controller buttons to kiss Madiso
In God Of War //, Kratos discovers some topless women. So he takes a break from avenging his murdered family to bone them. At least we think that's wh
Duke Nukem Forever features the Holsom twins. And they get raped by aliens. The last time you meet Mary and Kate Holsom (get it?) you find them strapp
24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games
In Dragon's Dogma, your character falls in love. ...with whomever they speak to most. The game chooses the NPC you interact with most to be your roman
In Conception /, you play a teen looking for love. Torri E Select your child's job Although it was my first time 0 day, it felt very good for some 5WO
24 Sex Scenes Too Weird For Anything Other Than Video Games
In Bubble Bath Babes, you use Tetris moves to clear bubbles. GUBBLE BATH BABES I 26 STAGE 1991 PANESIAN LTD. BUBBL 161 aroo oa TOTAL 802646 And to unl
In Vampire: The Masquerade, ROmero gives you a quest. Hey YOU wouldn't some business. wo zombde holocaust e wasnt pretty. U yOU know. Anoww woulve tec
In Alpha Protocol, there's a femme fatale named SIE. And she'll rape you while you're tied up. In one scene, the character you play is tied to a table
In The Bacon Lettuce Biographies, you get romantic with meat. 455 rhethtelt. B(4ttshcotbtsf 3116J INRIET<TILJ Literal hunks of raw beef. Or tuna. In t
Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em is a game about catching falling sperm. ADULT VIDFO GAME CARTRIDGE musuinue FRESINTS SWEDIsH ERTICAE FATEI B2A AN ADULT VIDEO GAME

AuntieMeme may or may not have a Diablo addiction that she may or may not talk about on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/crackedauntiememe/?fref=ts]

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