20 Movie Details Missed By Only Speaking English

Did you know that there are movie details that are missed when only speaking English? No, we are not just talking about subtitles. We are talking about the actual names of the movies. For example, did you know that "The Imitation Game" is called "Enigma" in some countries? The list goes on and on. So, today, we're going to take a look at some of the most popular Hollywood movies and their international counterparts. Get ready to have your mind blown!
It's no secret that Hollywood likes to take liberties when translating movies overseas. Whether it's a blatant disregard for cultural differences or just a badly translated subtitle, there are plenty of hilarious movie details that get missed when films are released in other countries.
By American standards, we're about as red-blooded as you can get. Three times a day, we eat steak. The office bathrooms are covered in Hulk Hogan posters. In the break room, Top Gun is on repeat.
However, we'll be the first to confess that our obstinate unwillingness to learn any other language than English has major consequences. For example, we completely missed all of the Easter eggs you'll hear about in a moment. Here are some of our favorite examples!

The Incredibles


Pacific Rim