17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares

If a python can catch and eat an alligator, you better believe you're on its menu too.
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares

Man, nature is wonderful and stuff right? Grass and trees and rainbows and fluffy animals and cute creatures and terrible, monstrous killing machines that are eating all those things. Yes, even the rainbows.

Wait, what? Yeah: For every amazing thing Mother Nature has to show us, she's created 10 horrible creatures that are just a couple evolutionary steps away from taking over the planet and devouring us whole. Here's what our eventual demises will look like.

17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares

The Velvet Worm

17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares
17 Amazing Animal Predators Straight From Your Nightmares

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