19 Statistics About Probability That Will Blow Your Mind

You'll probably be eaten by a shark way before you'll ever win the lottery.
19 Statistics About Probability That Will Blow Your Mind

Statistics are a funny thing. We everyday, normal people go about our business without ever really considering probability, despite the fact that if we did pay attention to these numbers, we'd have the closest thing we can get to a crystal ball.

So with that in mind, we asked our readers to put that crystal ball together for you. Except, you know, in picture form and on the Internet.

The odds turning to a meaningful quality oFlife three months after getting CPRtreatment is about 3%. 13 36 11 6 27 34 CIIAHG That's only slightly bett


If you are born in Australia and live to be 70. you have a 66% chance of getting skin cancer. GRACGK According to the Cancer Council of Australia: Tw
The chances of landing on any of the five most valuable properties in Monopoly on your first turn is 1.15%. BOARDWALK PARK PENNSYLVANIA NORTH PACIFIC
Flipping a coin repeatedly rarely comes out evenly. CRACKED.COM In 100 flips, there's less than an 8% chance that you'll have 50 heads and 50 tails.
You know that in a room of 367 people you'll definitely find 2 people that share the same birthday. What is truly amazing is that you need a roOM of j
You are on a game show. There are three doors on the stage, and behind one of them is an X-Box... You have 33.33% chance. a You pick the red door. The
Think the November The per-capita death 2015 Paris attacks toll of those attacks mean French citizens is still less than the would've been better mont
1 out of every 2,000-3, 000 babies is born with a tooth.
Playing five rounds of Russian Roulette, adding a new bullet to the chamber each round, you have about a 1.5% chance of not shooting a bullet. That's
If you get her pregnant, she is more likely to have identical twins than you are to win your state lottery's simple Pick 3 Daily Number. SESTAOESSIT u
CRAGKED If you are an American man, you are more likely to die from breast cancer than testicular cancer.


You have a 1 in 11.5 million chance of getting attacked by a shark... ...Which is still more likely than winning the Powerball (0 in 175 million) LOTT

Birthday Odds

CRACKED.COM You are more likely To die on your than on any other day of the year
If you live in the U.S., you have one chance in 000 of being struck by lightning at some point during your lifetime. However, even if you happen to be
CRACKED.c COM Life began on Earth 4 Billion years ago. Taking into account the need for .single cell life to appear, evolve into complex cells, then c
I'm sorry, but it's true, we ran the test three times. The repeated tests are not due to the doctors being shocked at the result or them padding the

Royal Flush

The odds of dating a supermodel: 1 in 88,000 The odds of getting a royal flush in poker: 1 in 649,739 You are 7 times more likely to date a supeRmODEL
In 2015 the WHO classified processed meat as a carcinogen because it increases the chance of suffering colorectal cancer by 18% (overall, from 5% to a
Think your cat is plotting to kill you? In the U.S. between 2004 - 2015 there were 10 cases involving dogs shooting their owners... ...Versus only 1 c

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