26 Brain-Breaking Historical Comparisons

Sometimes we take for granted the things that make our everyday lives possible, especially in Australia, where you can die just by walking outside. If you need evidence, think of how often you hear someone lament that they were meant for a different period in time. You know, like when somebody annoyingly describes someone as an ‘old soul’ or crap like that?
Of course, these folks really kind of say something dumb like that without giving the past a real good look. Because if they saw what our grandparents and their grandparents had to live with, they'd probably just shrug off any further thoughts of wanting to see Hendrix live at Woodstock. The past isn't to be romanticized in every context is what we're saying. Not everything old is preferable, just ask Mick Jagger's last three wives. No, no - today is just fine for so much. We're talking things like ...
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