19 Science Facts Everybody Assumed Movies Got Right (They Didn't)

Science, huh? It's a complicated thing that's hard to get right. Fortunately, there's something called (checks notes)… the Scientific Method. That's how people ensure scientific experiments hold up to inquiry. Weird how that works. But, we gotta admit, as big science fiction fans (and movie fans) here at Cracked, we're susceptible to falling for the tricks and fake realities Hollywood puts on us. Oh come on, give us a break. We are but humble nerds. Humble science nerds.
Hollywood is notorious for trying to pull fast ones on the viewing public. Fortunately, we live in the Internet age. These days, anyone with a simple command of Google can investigate the bullshit films attempt to sling our way.
In our continuing effort to cleanse the world of the lies Hollywood likes to propagate, we asked our readers to debunk some of the worst offenders. The winner is below, but first the runners-up ...