16 Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos

Jeeze, Beach Boys, get a hobby.
16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos
Television producers are in a tough place. Their whole job is fan service, but if they pursue it with too much gusto, the fans are the first to call them out. Imagine how badly it must sting to finally land that big cameo from Joe Namath, only for people to point out that it's weird to have Joe Namath hang out in little Bobby's bedroom.

Okay, maybe they should have seen some of these coming.

Here are some celebrity cameos that looked great on paper, but fell extremely flat:
16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos
16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos

Diff’rent Strokes

16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos
16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos
16  Ill-Advised TV And Movie Cameos
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