14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect

It's 2022, the year for hindsight.
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect

Have you ever gone through an experience that is just tough and stressful? You power through it, doing everything you can to just pass the time then in the midst of the post-bullsh*t relief, you finally realize how weird that was? Or you are currently going through hell and you look back at your past and wonder a combination of “I should have seen this coming” and “Man, I didn't realize how good it was back then”?

There are a lot of moments in our collective lives where we can all take a step back, look at a past event, and just look over at one another and in unifying agreement say, “Yeah, that was… that was weird, wasn't it?” Whether it was Jared from Subway talking to elementary school kids about healthy choices in 2013 or a Aziz Ansari releasing a book on dating in 2015, some things just haven't aged well.

Here are details on those and other weird AF moments when looked in the rear view.

14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect

How I Met Your Mother

14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
14 Things That Are Real Weird In Retrospect
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