16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed

Hey, nerd! Get back to your typewriter!
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
The meta implications of authors appearing in their TV and movie adaptations is staggering. In simply walking down the street for a brief moment in Mother Night, Kurt Vonnegut is saying "I, the humble Sad Man On Street, actually created this universe. And I have the power to destroy it!"

Not, like, out loud though. He just silently glances at the camera like a sad puppy. But you could tell he was thinking it.

Here are a few more times authors popped up on screen:
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed
16 Author Cameos In Movie Adaptations You Might Have Missed


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