15 Movies And Shows That Went Nuts Preventing Spoilers

In the past, movie leaks were not a major issue. Well before the early 2000s, if you attempted to borrow a film before it was released, you had to flee with a disk, videotape, or massive pile of the reel. Since the majority of movies were already stored and distributed online, it was all too easy for somebody to 'accidentally' press the wrong button and instantaneously spread a movie around the internet.
Dozens of storage devices around the globe already have a copy before next year's blockbusters since editors, designers, as well as techies everyone needs an edition to work on.
Sure, spoilers irritate us, the general audience who enjoys movies. On the other hand, a spoiler can potentially wreck a producer's, director's, or actor's career. Would you have continued to watch Game of Thrones if you had known how it would end?
That is why some productions include spoiler protection in their planning and budgeting processes. Here are some of the most elaborate secret-keeping strategies ever established by Hollywood:

Piper Laurie

Star Wars