15 Actors Who Harshed Their Own Movies

Have you ever done a job that you just aren't proud of? We've all had our regrets, either as we are doing them for a paycheck or when looking back with cringe-filled lives. Seriously, collecting data for the for those companies that call random people about their car's warranty? Worst summer of my life.
It's the same with actors and some of the movies they starred in. It's refreshing to know that our favorite actors hate their biggest bombs as much as we do. But every actor handles their speedbumps differently.
Alec Guinness wrote private letters about how bad Star Wars was going to suck. Sally Field spilled her guts to Howard Stern. And Halle Berry accepted her Razzie with grace and aplomb (she brought her agent up on stage for a public flogging).
Here are a few more actors who wanted the world to know how much they hated their job:

Reindeer Games

Jamie Lee Curtis