16 Sneaky Cast Changes That Fooled No One

Those sneaky sneaks. They thought they could pull another one over on us. Uh-uh. No way. Not us, pal, and not this time!
They thought we wouldn't notice Eric Stoltz's angry fist in Back to the Future, or that the Emperor's weird monkey eyes were gone, or that a Black Harry Potter character suddenly turned white when it became a speaking role.
Well, we noticed. We have eyes all over this joint. Better luck next time, movie industry. Did you think we were fools? Did you think we didn’t spend at least 80% of our work day sticking it to the man by lurking on rotten tomatoes and the most obscure cinema sub reddits? Well, the joke is on you! Or maybe us, we’re not sure.
Either way, you won’t believe what our crack teams of researchers turned up. Scroll on for some shocking switcheroos that will definitely leave you saying: Holy macaroni (or something less PG)!

Um, cool... thanks, man.

Um, cool... thanks, man.