27 Celebrities With Amazing Secret Talents

Whether they’re legendary stars of stage and screen or musicians responsible for iconic riffs that get stuck in our heads regularly, we expect our celebrities to be talented. That's why most of them got to where they are. If it weren’t for these talents, they could very well be Regular Joes like the rest of us. (Which is not to say your second cousin once removed who can tie balloon animals isn’t talented–that’s just not a Grammy winning talent, you know?)
But what we don't think about is just how deep this talent goes. Is it possible that these celebrities have even more to offer than meets the eye? That even with their many accolades and prestige, they have even more talents tucked away? That’s certainly the case for these 27 celebrities whose limits know no bounds. With the help of the talented AuntieMeme, we bring you celebrities who could've been famous for completely different reasons that we know them for.