Now You Know: 13 Facts That’ll Exert The Old Cerebellum

The kind of exertion that makes the world seem a little more fascinating.
Now You Know: 13 Facts That’ll Exert The Old Cerebellum

Truly, the world is an endlessly fascinating place. Yet, of course, it doesn’t seem that way on a daily basis at all. Everything engrossing about it gets drowned out by the relentless drone of everyday life. That’s why we’re here to point out 13 interesting things you probably had no idea about until just now:


Now You Know: 13 Facts That’ll Exert The Old Cerebellum 
 - When Jessica Anderson finished first in a marathon wearing scrubs and pants
Source: CNN
Now You Know: 13 Facts That’ll Exert The Old Cerebellum 
 - Someone in New York State bought a Chinese bowl for $3 and sold it for $2.2 million.
Source: CNN
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