25 Now-You-Know Facts About Movie Props And Costumes

Movie props and costumes can take unfathomable time and effort to create... and are promptly forgotten when the movie is done filming. Producers are more interested in packing up and moving on to the next project than saving props for posterity. Sure, sometimes props are reused to surprising ways, writing that piece required eagle-eyed viewing a whole of noticing weird things. We weren't putting ourselves through all. It's far, far easier (and frankly, a little more maddening) to talk about these brilliant pieces of construction ending up someone obsessive person's collection, sold off for scraps, or worse, dumped in the landfill. We already dumped our landfill dumpster-diving clothes, anyway.
007's submarine car? Put it in storage, we'll get it later. The Death Star? Trash it. Hoggle? I thought you had him!
So enjoy your favorite movies, this is the last time you'll see their bones. Here are some interesting tidbits about the most iconic movie props ever used, ditched, or stolen:

The Idol

A Christmas Story

The Goonies

Harry Potter
