20 Cast Changes They Thought They Could Slip Past Ya

Look, you and me? We get it. People change, actors move on with their lives, and part ways with producers - amicably or otherwise; it's none of our beezwax. Sure, it's almost universally accepted that an actor stays on a role until the story or film franchise or TV series' completion, but that's not always the case. That's life!
But television and movies, famously, aren't life. And if they thought we were just gonna let it slide that a supporting character looks completely different all of a sudden? Uh-uh. No dice. They've got another thing coming. You're not gonna fool us.
We know that's not Aunt Viv. What happened to Aunt Viv? Did the first Aunt Viv die between seasons, with Uncle Phil mourning an appropriate amount of time, and then married another woman named “Vivian” before the next season premiere? You owe us an explanation, Fresh Prince of Bel Air!
Here are a few times they tried to sneak in a casting change, but they couldn't pull one over on us:


Um, cool... thanks, man.