20 Cast Changes They Thought They Could Slip Past Ya

They thought they could slip one past YOU?
20 Cast Changes They Thought They Could Slip Past Ya

Look, you and me? We get it. People change, actors move on with their lives, and part ways with producers - amicably or otherwise; it's none of our beezwax. Sure, it's almost universally accepted that an actor stays on a role until the story or film franchise or TV series' completion, but that's not always the case. That's life! 

But television and movies, famously, aren't life. And if they thought we were just gonna let it slide that a supporting character looks completely different all of a sudden? Uh-uh. No dice. They've got another thing coming. You're not gonna fool us. 

We know that's not Aunt Viv. What happened to Aunt Viv? Did the first Aunt Viv die between seasons, with Uncle Phil mourning an appropriate amount of time, and then married another woman named “Vivian” before the next season premiere? You owe us an explanation, Fresh Prince of Bel Air!

Here are a few times they tried to sneak in a casting change, but they couldn't pull one over on us:

THE RETURN OF JAFAR Genie ROBIN WILLIAMS DAN CASTELLANETA Williams refused to reprise the role, after Disney broke the conditions of a very generous c
BACK TO THE FUTURE Jennifer CRACKED cO CLAUDIA WELLS ELISABETH SHUE Wells skipped the sequels to care for her dying mother. The opening scene of Part
BOY MEETS WORLD Morgan LILY NICKSAY LINDSAY RIDGEWAY Nicksay left after season 2, on good terms. One of Ridgeway's first lines credited the change in
THE OFFICE Pam's Mom CRACKED COM SHANNON COCHRAN LINDA PURL Cochran was the first Helene Beesly, but by the time Michael hooks up with her, she's play
THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR Aunt Vivian CRACKEDO JANET HUBERT-WHITTEN DAPHNE MAXWELL REID Hubert-Whitten left because she had major beef with producer
GAME OF THRONES The Night King CRACKED COM RICHARD BRAKE VLADIMIR FURDIK Casually replacing the show's Big Bad in season 6 should have been a big red


SCOOBY DOO Shaggy CRACKED CO CASEY KASEM WILL FORTE The tragedy here is that Matthew Lillard wasn't even given a chance to play Shaggy in Scoob!, desp
HOME ALONE 4 Kevin McCallister SUN02wo Br Dory wov.. DEne CRACKEDCON Hy oe He CHN MACAULAY CULKIN MIKE WEINBERG They actually brought back ALL of the
ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Her? ALESSANDRA TORRESANI MAE WHITMAN The original plan was to keep replacing Ann Veal every season, but Whitman proved perfectly
MAD MEN Bobby Draper X CRACKED COM MAXWELL HUCKABEE MASON VALE COTTON Four different kids played Bobby, and each was given a different nickname, like
RIVERDALE Reggie ROSS BUTLER CHARLES MELTON When Melton took over the role, he was told not to even watch Butler's performance, and to make the charac
MODERN FAMILY Lily JADEN AND ELLA HILLER AUBREY ANDERSON-EMMONS The twins hated playing Lily, and were replaced by Anderseon-Emmons starting in season
The Aflac Duck CRACKED.COM GILBERT GOTTFRIED DANIEL MCKEAGUE Gottfried was replaced in 2011 after some bad tweets about the Japanese tsunami. Mckeague
SEINFELD Jerry's Dad CRACKEDCO PHIL BRUNS BARNEY MARTIN Bruns played Morty in season 1, but was passed over for the crankier' Martin.
THAT 70'S SHOW Laurie CRACKEDCO LISA ROBIN KELLY CHRISTINA MOORE Kelly lost the role due to a drinking problem, and Moore only appeared for one season
ROSEANNE Becky CRACKEDCON LECY GORANSON SARAH CHALKE The two actresses leapfrogged each other for a while, even swapping out from episode to episode i
Toucan Sam IL MEL BLANC MAURICE LAMARCHE Blanc (Looney Tunes) played Sam as an American speaking pig latin. Paul Frees (Disney) later gave him his Eng

Um, cool... thanks, man.

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Freddy Krueger ROBERT ENGLUND JACKIE EARLE HALEY The 2010 remake misused Haley, giving us a less playful, more serious, and
FAMILY GUY Meg CRACKED.COM LACEY CHABERT MILA KUNIS Chabert voiced Meg for the first season, before leaving to focus on Party of Five.
BEWITCHED Darrin CRACKEDCO DICK YORK DICK SARGENT Sargent took over when York needed to recover from some debilitating back pain. Fans were not into i
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