16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive

Things that'll make you go 'Huh? What now?'
16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive

When we were in school, we always thought that we were pretty smart kids. We loved learning new things and expanding our horizons. So when we started reading about these "facts" that are supposedly counterintuitive, we just couldn't believe them. How could something so obvious be wrong? But after doing some more research, we realized that sometimes the truth really is stranger than fiction. Here are just a few of those craziest facts out there!

Do you ever feel like the world is against you? Like everything you do just doesn't seem to work out? You're not alone! In fact, there are a lot of things that people do every day that defy all logic. Check out these facts that are just plain counterintuitive – you'll be surprised at some of the things people do every day!

Our feeble minds can barely scratch the surface of existence, the cosmos, and everything. Here are 16 pleasant yet perplexing reminders that you may not know as much as you believe.

16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive

The Moon

16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive


16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive
16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive

‘Chinese’ Checkers

16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive
16 Facts That Are Just Plain Counterintuitive
Source: BBC
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