22 Rad Now-You-Know Facts About Your Favorite Bands And Musicians
How many Beatles have watched YOU have sex? George Harrison has you beat.

Rock stars are some of the most extreme specimens of the human race. They do - or sometimes merely survive - the things we like to think we would, given infinite money and any talent whatsoever.
We're not talking about the infamous no-brown-M&M's rider clause, or which smoky-voiced pop star Taylor Swift wrote about this time. We're talking Tommy Ionni's fortunate finger mutilation, Freddie Mercury's extra skull bones, and the clumps of human hair that Katy Perry carries around with her.
Here are some of the f*ed up things that made your favorite acts the stars they are today:
We're not talking about the infamous no-brown-M&M's rider clause, or which smoky-voiced pop star Taylor Swift wrote about this time. We're talking Tommy Ionni's fortunate finger mutilation, Freddie Mercury's extra skull bones, and the clumps of human hair that Katy Perry carries around with her.
Here are some of the f*ed up things that made your favorite acts the stars they are today:

Lou Pearlman

Star Wars

The Beastie Boys

Go ahead and try, we'll wait.


Tony Iommi