34 Code Words Insiders Use

Leave it to Wall Street to make
34 Code Words Insiders Use

Code words. You know, those little words that everyone seems to be using, or thinks they’re using if they’re not really in the know. Insecure about your utter lack of top secret code word knowledge?? Well, we’re here to help clear things up a little bit and give you the lowdown on the real meaning of common code words. Sure, they might make you sound cool or like you're in the know, but trust me, there are plenty of other reasons to start using them too! So read on and join the friggin’ CLUB.

I'm sure most of you have heard of the saying, "figures don't lie, but liars figure." Well, it turns out that this old adage has a lot of truth to it! In fact, a recent study found that people who use code words are actually more successful than those who don't. Ok, maybe we just made that up–but it sounds smart, right? Whether you're trying to appear more intelligent or just trying to seem like less of a threat, using code words can definitely help. So if you're feeling stuck in your career or life, read on for some helpful tips on how to start using coded words correctly!

CRACKEDCON COM Angel Lust This is the term used by both the medical and mortuary science professions to describe a corpse that is sporting a, uh... an
Disco Rice? Mongo? Urban Whitefish? 5osl No, these aren't crappy band names. It's NYC Garbage-Man slang! Disco Fish refers to maggots. Mongo is sa
CRACKEDOOM Crop-dusting (krop'dus'ting) n. The act of passing gas as a flight attendant walks down the airplane aisle.
Bitching Betty is the nickname given by pilots and aircrew to the female voices of computerized warning systems on various commercial and military a
Muppets -Pejorative term Wall Street execs use to refer to their clients 1451 1154 1451 1451 1151 1154 1454 14'1 1151 049 111 1151 1154 1451 1151 11
Unremarkable is a word often used in medical reports to indicate no abnormalities. It is not uncommon to see this on a Urology consultation: Scrotum
34 Code Words Insiders Use
Quantum field theorists use PENGUIN DIAGRAMS to describe a type of particle interaction. *Penguin diagrams were coined in 1977 when physicist John Ell
Jerry Bruckheimer coined a phrase for when automatic gunfire, rumbling engines, Or military jargon appears in movies. He calls it a BAYO
An audiogram is a graph that shows the pitch and loudness that a person perceives on a hearing test. There is a region on an audiogram that maps out t
Until they were caught citigroupy at SNC-Lavalin, PCC 03684362 Niasria LIdg Isternath Taytor was an accounting term for BAY Specialised Drillins One
Open the Kimono CRACKEDCON To reveal details of one's business operations. Usually used as an incentive for prospective investors.
Could you ever shoot the puppy? In business lingo, taking an unpopular, seemingly heartless action for the greater good of the company. CRACKEDCON
CRAGKED When hospital staff don't want you to know what's wrong with you, all they have to do is slip into medical jargon; but doctors mightals identi
In the world of computer tech suport, certain problems with customer's computers, caused by a stunning lack of the customer's computer knowledge, are
THE CRACKEDOON DECEPTIONIS is an office assistant whose primary role is to block access to their boss.
PARK AND BLOT isn't Lover's Lane When a move. a mavehing band halts $ plants their feet during show to a betfer melt their audience's faces off by cra
CRACKEDCON A Christmas Tree is the name for an assembly that sits atop a wellbead in oil and gas wells, allowing well flow to be controlled and moni
Those who work with it affectionately refer to the tar-like sealant used to waterproof roofs as BEAR SHIT CRACKED
TATE OF TEXAS ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT RECORD In the office of most Texas schools, you will find a cabinet of folders for each student. Inside the folder
A police officer who sees you do something stupid while driving might refer to you as DWHUA Driving With Head Up A*
KRISTO In the Philippines, the guy that takes the bets of gamblers on cockfights is called a kristo. He communicates through hand signals to other k
Glokloll A deep Ov open-pirt mineshaft Jeb knows how to drill my glory hole jest the way like it. CRACKED CON
REFUCTORING purposefully making your program's code so convoluted and ludicrous that only you can understand it. MAMO
Scoring an 8 on one hole in golf is known as a snowman, or if you tuurn it sideways, call it 8 7 DOG 8 BALLS CRACKED CON
The process of combustion in a four-stroke engine is often described as Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow.
CRACKEDGON Trail of the Pink Panther Back to the Future Ill Doctor Who Plan 9 From Outer Space Superman I FAKE SHEMP Coined by Sam Raimi, Fake Shemp o
If someone in a semi warns you on your next road trip to beware the ALLIGATOR ON THE 2IPPER It's just trucker speak for a blown tire in the middle of
The Prize Pig is a radio listener who listens solely to enter contests and win prizes. AM I THE RIGHT CALLER? CRACKEDCO COM
IB Y CR Birth Conlrol Glasses: military issue specs lor our soldiers. 'Cause enlistment means sacrilicing youn literal AND sex lile il you're nearsigh
CRACKEDcO COPSLANG PUIVPKIN PATCH -New prisoners in holding cell in orange uniforms -TIPS-FIderly, white- haired drivers onl the freeway SCOOBY SNACK

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