12 Classic Romantic Movies Which Are Just Creepy

Stories, by their nature, are conflict. And is conflict without drama? And what is love without the need to see two hot people do it on screen? That's why the entire romantic comedy genre exists. Just endless wish fulfillment, selling you, the mark and rube viewer, on the idea that you're secretly Humphrey Bogart waiting for your Lauren Bacall or Will Smith waiting for your Eva Mendes. The thing about rom-coms is they really only show the first part of dating. Not the awkward middle section or the end. Then you're Rob from High Fidelity, and that movie gets filed under “Drama” at your local Blockbuster (Jesus, how old is this article?)
Our point is, that initial courtship (again with the old terminology, who wrote this? Was it you, Artemis?) contains some weird stuff. Hollywood provides unrealistic expectations for love...like constant stalking and manipulation. Read below for how 12 classic romantic movies in hindsight are just creepy.