The Surprising Origins Of 12 Iconic Video Game Characters
It's a-me, a-Popeye!

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, "what kind of name is Link?" Or, "why does Sonic look so familiar?" Or, "why does Johnny Cage have to go into a split to decimate my junk?"
There's a lot we don't realize about the creation of our favorite characters. Limited pixels required animation shortcuts, bold color schemes, and some questionable fashion choices. Licensing deals fell through, and copyrighted property had to be quickly disguised. Sometimes, developers just ripped off their favorite media, crossed their fingers, and prayed they didn't get sued.
Here are the intriguing backstories to some of the most beloved video game characters:
There's a lot we don't realize about the creation of our favorite characters. Limited pixels required animation shortcuts, bold color schemes, and some questionable fashion choices. Licensing deals fell through, and copyrighted property had to be quickly disguised. Sometimes, developers just ripped off their favorite media, crossed their fingers, and prayed they didn't get sued.
Here are the intriguing backstories to some of the most beloved video game characters:

Video Games

Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
