16 Eyebrow-Arching Fictional Universe Stats
There have always been beasts wandering our cities. We all know that if you're weak, you will have to depend largely on the heroes, who can take a very long time to arrive. You’ll most probably die, but if you do not die, you will still likely run into demons, monsters and other miscreants almost every day. There seem to be numerous fictional universes in which it would be impossible to live. It's been quite the project to prepare a list of the most difficult.
Individuals discover each other attracted to fictional monsters such as Voldemort and Vader, and Maleficent and Moriarty, as they watch and rewatch Movies and tv shows throughout periods of downtime. The attraction of dark characters has an encouragingly rational explanation, and doesn't always involve being captivated by such a dark side.
According to the current psychological research, some people seem to find completely fictitious villains amazing and genuinely nice as long as they share some similarities with the reader or viewer.