13 Accepted Notions Of History That Are Wrong

The more time passes, the more stories become myths, especially if those stories are dramatic or horrifying. The more salacious the history, the more likely it gets spread as a real occurrence. These lies can happen in order to make things seem more interesting, make the current day seem less barbaric, or just because history was written by the winners and the losers get shortchanged in our history books.
Take the burning of Salem witches at the stake (didn't happen), or medieval people getting drunk on wine because they had no clean water (no more so than today). Those poor folk from the Middle Ages have gotten a bad rap thanks to tall tales posing as history. Still, it's good to know that Spartans didn't kill their sick infants by tossing them off a cliff.
So let's clear up some supposed facts about history that are just a bunch of made-up lies.

Spartan Children

The War of the Worlds